
2024 Climate Program Implementation Grants

Call for Capital Projects

Grant Opportunities Currently Accepting Applications

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) invites Bay Area public agencies to submit projects for capital grant funding. This call for capital projects helps implement MTC’s Climate Program strategies identified in and achieve the region’s 19% greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction target, as well as advance MTC’s Active Transportation strategies to build a complete streets network. These grants also support the advancement of MTC’s which supports the region's transit investments by creating communities around transit stations and along transit corridors.

Bay Area cities, counties, transit agencies, and county transportation agencies are eligible to submit project proposals to one or more of the following four capital grant programs.

Please note that these grants are for capital projects only. For planning grant opportunities, please refer to MTC’s concurrent release of 2024 Transit-Oriented Communities Planning and Implementation Grants, focused on local planning and policy development that supports compliance with MTC's TOC Policy.

Four Capital Grant Opportunities

Regional Mobility Hubs

The Regional Mobility Hubs Program seeks to create customer-friendly community spaces that provide clear information and easy last-mile connections to public transit, shared mobility and active transportation.

MTC is seeking projects for hub construction, including environmental, design, right-of-way, and construction phases of a capital project.

Funding Details

  • Minimum grant: $500,000 
  • Maximum grant: $5,000,000 
  • Minimum match required: 11.47%
  • Total available: $15 million

Staff Contact

Krute Singa
Email: ksinga@bayareametro.gov 

Parking Management

The furthers sustainable parking and curb management approaches that increase affordable and safe access to destinations and balance parking and curb uses. 

MTC is seeking projects for construction that implement or enhance parking management such as installation of meters, sensors/cameras, wayfinding/signage, back end software, and other capital expenses. 

Funding Details

  • Minimum grant: $500,000 
  • Maximum grant: $1,500,000 
  • Minimum match required: 11.47%
  • Total available: $3 million

Staff Contact

Joel Mandella
Email: jmandella@bayareametro.gov 

Charging Infrastructure

This program is part of MTC’s initiative to expand access to clean mobility options and associated charging infrastructure across the Bay Area.  

MTC is seeking projects for the acquisition and installation of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) and/or electric mobility devices (bikes, scooters, assistive mobility devices, etc.).

Funding Details

  • Minimum grant: $300,000 
  • Maximum grant: $5,000,000 
  • Minimum match required: 11.47%
  • Total available: $20 million

Staff Contact

James Choe
Email: jchoe@bayareametro.gov 

Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance

This program facilitates the build out of MTC’s Active Transportation Network by providing design technical assistance (TA) to local jurisdictions for active transportation projects located on the Network. 

MTC is seeking to award technical assistance to conceptual projects that incorporate All Ages and Abilities design principles, advancing design to the point that they are ready to move to construction. 

Funding Details

  • Award in the form of consultant assistance
  • Minimum TA: $100,000
  • Maximum TA: $300,000
  • Total available: $2 million

Staff Contact

Kara Oberg
Email: koberg@bayareametro.gov 

Please refer to the 2024 Climate Program Implementation Grants: Grant Guide for more information about each program.

Application Process

To apply, refer to the application forms below:

Application Due Date

Applications are due Friday, December 20, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Virtual Information Session

An information session was held on Thursday, October 10, 2024. MTC staff for the four grant programs presented on each program’s goals, eligible projects and application, and took questions from attendees.

Office Hours    

In October and December, MTC staff will be available for "office hours" to meet with applicants. Office hours allow prospective applicants to schedule time with relevant MTC staff to review program-specific project ideas, address application questions, and discuss specific guidance. These are opportunities to address any concerns and ensure your application is as strong as possible before submittal.

To schedule office hours, use the link below for the program of interest below, and fill out any relevant information. If interested in multiple programs, schedule separate office hours for each program. Please bring information about your project and/or your draft application to the meeting.


Call for Capital Projects Schedule

2024 Climate Program Implementation Grants: Call for Capital Projects Schedule
Activity Date
Call for Projects Release   September 30, 2024
Information Session  October 10, 2024, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Application Assistance Office Hours  Dates Vary
Application Deadline December 20, 2024 at 4 p.m.
MTC Evaluation of Applications Winter 2024-2025
MTC Committee Approval (Tentative) March 2025
Active Transportation Technical Assistance Project Kick-Off (Tentative) Spring 2025
Mobility Hubs, Parking Management, Transportation Electrification Funding Obligation Deadline January 2027